Monday, December 19, 2011

Week one

We've been home a whole week now, and Louba and the others are doing great. It's been a huge learning adventure for us. Yes, we have two other kids, but having one that doesn't speak your language, or really understand it is a bit of a challenge. But, we're working through it. She so funny. She'll do anything for a laugh. She absoulutely loves her brother and sister and asks for them if they aren't around. Overall, we've had a great week home. I can't wait to see how she changes as she learns more English, and gets into a better routine.

Some things she says and does:
"Be nice!" while pointing her finger at you.
"whoa Melly!" for anything, but especially when she falls down.
"Ups please"
"Come here."
She calls John David, Brat and Julianne, sistra or Jules. Emma is Yemma.
She loves to ride in the "machine-a"
It only takes about 10-15 minutes to get her to bed. She cries hard, but sleeps all night in her own room, by herself.
She is a drama queen. She can turn on the tears like a faucet and turn them off just as fast.
She loves to be tickled, and will ask you to tickle her.
She loves bananas, biscuits, pizza, cookies, apples, juice, pickles, and cole slaw.
She knows that she is cute and loves having her picture made.
Time outs seem to work (at least right now). We've only had a couple a day.
she's potty trained and will tell you when she needs to go. We still have accidents at night, but none during the day.
Upstairs in our house is her favorite and only asks her "Pappa" to go. She never asks me.
She loves to sing and talk (ALL. OF. THE. TIME).
She can name all her facial features in English.
She can count to five in English.
She gets upset if she can't do something and usually has a small tantrum.
she can dress herself.
I've gotten an "I love you" a couple of times.

She'll climb on anything.


Marzenka said...

Brat = brother
Siostra = sister

Bobbie said...

Hi! So happy to see that you are finally home!!! I have been waiting for this happy time! Congratulations!

Kelly said...

I was just wondering what home study agency you used? We are in middle tennessee and just starting our adoption.

Reading Widely said...

Hello from Reece's Rainbow! How are things going for you guys? And have you joined our After the Rainbow group yet? If not, please email me and I'll get you connected. Adoption is an amazing thing but it also brings its challenges! Sometimes it helps to talk to someone who has "been there". Please feel free to email me if you ever have questions or just need to talk.

~Rachel Whitmire
Post-Adoption Care Coordinator
Reece's Rainbow Down Syndrome Adoption Ministry

The Elliotts said...

Kelly, we used Adoption Assistance and we LOVE them!!! They have offices here in Smyrna, TN and in Danville, KY.

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