Sunday, November 3, 2013

Thankful..a month of blessings

Facebook allows me to give brief snippets of what I'm thankful for, but I needed more space to write. It's been a while since I've blogged, and I have a ton of ideas in my head, just not enough time. I'm glad that I focus this month on the things I am thankful for. Not the obvious; my God, Eric, the kids, but the small things that I tend to over look most days.

Day 1: I'm thankful that the kids were able to trick or treat and have great weather to do it in. Because October 31st had some crazy wind and rain, our community postponed the trick or treating to Friday night, November 1st. We spent the evening at my mom's, roasting hot dogs and marshmallows over the fire pit, taking the girls around for candy, and meeting some of her neighbors.

Day 2: I love watching the kids play in their sports. This fall, JD played baseball and Louba played softball (Jules played on the playset or wall ball during their games). My kiddos love sports, and for that I'm thankful. But, I'm also thankful that this was our last game day until spring! It wears a momma out going from one field to the other across town. I'm thankful for the wonderful friends we've made through the kids sports.

Day 3: Today is Orphan Sunday. A day I really didn't know existed until the year before we adopted Louba. I didn't know this was the journey I would take. It's been a long, hard, emotional roller coaster. I know it will continue to be. Adoption is HARD. But, the journey is worth every tear. Louba is an orphan no more. She has a mom and dad and brother and sister and a huge extended family who love her to pieces. I love telling our story. I'm thankful for the friends who told me the good and the bad about adoption. I'm thankful for the friends who let me cry and scream and complain that the process was not fair, that this little girl should not be without a family. I'm thankful for the friends who listen to me today talk about how sassy Louba is and how she is our "LAST ONE!" I'm thankful for a little girl, who lived for three and half years without a mom and day, but loves me as her mom.